Think along the lines of a Book of Maps. An Atlas based on the Mind Mapping idea. MindMapping is a trademark of Tony Buzan, Buzan Centres Ltd.
Mind Mapping, also known as Radiant Thinking, is a technique that simplifies the complex. The Mind Mapping idea summarises data volume into a snapshot type page(s). It is a tool. A picture, a summary of logical thinking.
The Mind Map ( Originator/Creator : Tony Buzan ) technique assists in compiling and disseminating information quickly. Simply encompasses understanding, learning, organising, research, writing and planning. Mind Map is a Registered Trademark of the Buzan Organisation.
Contact the Specialists - Buzan Centres Ltd ( www.buzancentre.com ) - for further information on Mind Maps and Mind Mapping.
An example could take the shape of a big Supermarket. Grocery sections divided into general categories, then, product types, then, specific items.
Like a Mindmap about all the Food in the supermaket summarised by category e.g Frozen Meat, Fresh Meat, Frozen Fish, Fresh Fish, Fresh Dairy produce etc.. From which a Fresh Dairy Produce Mindmap can provide product types like Milk, Cream, Butter, Yoghurt, Cheese. Then a Cheese Mindmap could produce the specific items like Stilton, Danish Blue, Lancashire, Canadian Mature and their subsequent ingredients. Each Mindmap tailored for a specific, but inter-related, purpose.
Instead of Food, Non food and Drink sections TAP MIND THE MAP LIMITED's vision is to be the Atlas of Business and Commercial Success Facilitator. Utilising a structured modular product series based on three Core STRATEGYModules. Namely, 01 - FINANCIALBrain Score, 02 - BodyBUSINESS Temple and 03 - Whole Arterial INFORMATION.