First we set the scene Secondly we chart out... Thirdly we chart out... Fourthly we dissect... TIPS YOU MUST USE : DOUBLE CLICK for more detailed information: Finally the rest is up to you. TAP MIND THE MAP is at your service.
2.1 First we set the scene
It is generally accepted that a Business is an entity in its own right. So, we view TAP MIND THE MAP as such, an Entity, a Person. 
The key is imagination facilitating knowledge. Allowing the mental eye to develop association. Form mental pictures.
Thus hopefully a fresh approach that will enable you to visualise and conceptualise in a fun way.
Hence the life and times of U.K. BusyNESS Esquire ( Life Cycle ).
2.2 Secondly we chart out...
....an Atlas of Business Success.
Encompassing U.K. BusyNESS Esquire's Grail Quest.
Establishing  the attributes of U.K. BusyNESS Esquire... the Characteristics one needs in Business and Commerce.
2.3 Thirdly we chart out...
... an overview.
The Business Creation Considerations. Critical criteria for starting a Business Venture.
2.4 Fourthly we dissect...
... U.K. BusyNESS Esquire into three core fundamentals - the Mind, Body and Life blood - fusing with core Strategies... Financial, Business and Information... creating modules : Financial Brain Score, Body Business Temple and Whole Arterial Information. 
This one could say is the Meaning of  U.K. BusyNESS Esquire's Life.
Where you can see a blue arrow next to a branch there is an hyperlink. Either double click or in MindManager, ( Ctrl J ) to activate and go to more detail.
Whilst using MindManager utilise the find command ( CTRL + F ) and type in a word or words, part or whole and dig out relevant data on your criteria. For example type ' BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT ' and see what happens. Typing ' CRM ' brings up a range relating to CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT across the 64 ( 63 linked ) TAP MIND THE MAPs (TMTMs).
  Unless you believe,  you will not understand ( Saint  Augustine ( 354 - 430 ) )
  The universe is change ; life is what thinking makes it ( Marcus Aurelius ( 121 - 180 ) )
2.6 DOUBLE CLICK for more detailed information:
2.6.1 Web Site
Tap Mind The Map Ltd's Web site Home Page.
The starting point that is a web site overview.
Answer page to what, when, where, who, why and How.
See related topics and documents
2.6.2 Help and Instructions
Features, operating requirements and CD-ROM installation.
See related topics and documents
2.6.3 Terms and Conditions
Licence, warranty, liability, charges & payments and due consideration.
See related topics and documents
2.7 Finally the rest is up to you. TAP MIND THE MAP is at your service.